Be a part of the best company on the West Coast!
Murrieta Dance Project is known for our impeccable technique and a program that helps each dancer rise to his/her fullest potential. Not only do we help create some of the best dancers on the circuit, we strive to help each child gain self-confidence, determination, and drive. It is not just about dance. MDP is about life and what kind of beautiful individuals we will be sending out into the world one day. MDP is family. MDP is unity.
Come and join the MFAM!
Please submit online application by June 23, 2024
Audition Fees will automatically be charged to the card you provide on your audition application.
Audition with all of the age groups you will fit into as of January 1, 2025
We expect all dancers auditioning to be on time. If a dancer is late, he/she will not be permitted to enter Audition Workshop Classes.
If you are unable to attend Audition Workshop Classes, you must still timely submit the online Audition Application and applicable fees. After you have submitted your application, email bayj@murrietadanceproject.com or call the front desk to let us know you are unable to attend and we will arrange an alternative audition.
Pre Company
Our MDP Pre Company is for our 3–5-year-old dancers. These dancers will only have a 3 classes per week requirement and they are not required to attend convention.
Dancers will attend all regional and national competitions. 3-4 regional and 1 national
1 Costume per team will be required @ $150-$350. The same costume will be used all season.
Travel Attire team wear and make-up will need to be purchased. Make-up is minimal as we still want our babies to look like babies!
Dancers will be enrolled in 3 classes per week minimum and will follow the normal tuition scale.
There will be a company fee added to tuition each month that will cover administrative and instructor fees.
Competition Company
Competition/Convention Company
This company is intended for dancers 5 years and older that want to train in and really perfect his/her craft. This is a more intensive training program and dancers will be in a competitive environment for performance time.
Mini/Junior Dancers/Teen & Senior Non-Industry:
Dancers will attend all regional and national competitions. 4 regional and 1 national competition as well as 2 conventions.
Each team requires a different costume that the dancers will wear all season. Costumes range from $150-$400 approx.
Dancers will need team travel attire and make-up.
Dancers will have a set schedule of classes to follow each week.
All Company dancers will be on the unlimited program for classes with the exception of our Hip Hop and Tap only dancers.
Graduating Seniors and high school students that are in AP classes may be given some leeway (at the discretion of the director).
There will be a Company fee added to tuition each month that will cover administrative fees and instructor fees and travel expenses.
We would like for MDP Company Families to participate on a minimum of 7 teams if available for your dancer(s). We know that this may not work out in some cases and we are not requiring that this is the case. Some dancers are on as many at 13 teams and as little as 2. We will put your child where he/she fits best and on the amount of teams, we would like them on. If you need to pull back due to financial reasons we will decide which teams to pull. All dancers will be required to be on at least 1 line before being placed on other groups. Lines are larger groups of 20 or more dancers. This will help to promote teamwork and unity throughout the studio.
Please remember that teams are the most important part of the MDP Company. If you need to cut back please cut back on Solos before cutting back on teams. A dancer cannot have 3 solos and only be on 3 teams. For each solo, we would like for each dancer to be on 2 teams. Solos cannot be added later if you are not on the appropriate amount of teams. We do suggest that dancers that are at the top of their age division do 2 solos. 2 solos give the dancers more opportunities at success.
Some dancers will be placed on the Industry Convention Company
This Company requires travel outside of California for 2025. Dancers perform and compete at Convention in addition to 2 full studio competitions. Full details will be given once teams are finalized.
Dancers will attend 2 regional comps, 3 convention comps, 1 national competition.
Advanced level Teen/ Senior Dancers are part of our Industry Program and will be placed on 1-7 teams with lower costume fees to accommodate a slightly higher company fee.
The focus is training, team building, and helping to pave the way for the future.
Training will be more specified, monthly master classes given and dancers will have the opportunity and given the time to travel to LA to take class and so much more. Justin Pham and Erin Babbs will continue as the Directors of this program for it’s 5th season. In house and guest instructors will be used for choreo for Season 19. Please note: choreography fees will apply.
Each team requires a different costume that the dancers will wear all season. Costumes range from $150-$400 approx.
Dancers will need team travel attire and make-up.
Dancers will have a set schedule of classes to follow each week.
All Industry dancers will be on the unlimited program.
Graduating Seniors and high school students that are in AP classes may be given some leeway (at the discretion of the director).
There will be an Industry Company fee added to tuition each month that will cover administrative fees and instructor fees and travel expenses.
Please remember that teams are the most important part of the MDP Company. If you need to cut back please cut back on Solos before cutting back on teams. All Industry Dancers wanting to compete a solo at convention must have a “convention friendly solo.” This solo will be chosen at the discretion of the directors and may be a guest choreographer. We suggest that all industry dancers have 2 solos.
Important Dates
June 24 | Audition application and audition fees are due
July 15 | Company Workshop and Auditions (see schedule and application)
July 16 | Company Parent Meeting and Team Bonding 12:00pm-2:00pm
July 22 | Company Contracts Due w $300 Team Deposit (goes towards 1st competition)
July 29 | Company Dancers Online Registration Open
August 10 | Placement Auditions (morning/afternoon)
August 12 | Season 19 Begins
August 17 | Placement Auditions (morning/afternoon)
August 17 | Team Family Party Meet & Greet All MDP Dancers & Families (evening)
August 23-25 | Final Team Placement Sent
September 3 | Teams Begin!
September 9 | Costume Deposit Due
*All = Contemporary/Jazz/Musical Theatre/Lyrical
*Pre Company Genres are not specified
*Hip Hop will be determined at a later time
Monday, July 15
3-5 years-old Pre-Company 8:30am-9:00am
5-8 years-old All 9:00am-10:30am
5-8 years-old Tap 10:30am-11:15pm
7-11 years-old All 12:00pm-1:30pm
7-11 years-old Tap 1:30pm-2:15pm
9-14 years-old All 2:15-3:30pm
9-14 years-old Tap 3:30-4:15pm
12 years+ All 4:15pm-5:30pm
12 years+ Tap 5:30pm-6:15pm